Counting Up: Thoughts on Advent Waiting


In this Advent season, we’re accustomed to counting down the days until Christmas. 8 Days left - for shopping, shipping, wrapping, baking...preparation.

But centuries ago they weren’t counting down the days. With no end in sight, you count up and not down, each day not one closer but one higher, one more on your tally sheet, “How long, Oh Lord?”

And then, out of nowhere, a baby in a manger. Unplanned. Unexpected. Unassuming.

A spark. Light broke into the darkness, prophecies fulfilled on earth as they’d always been in heaven, rescue set in motion.

Hope restored. Longings fulfilled. Fears relieved.

If this is a season of waiting for you (on a husband, a baby, a job, healing, breakthrough) and your tally sheet is getting higher and not closer, if your soul is crying out, “How long will I wait?,” I pray this Christmas season is a reminder not of the things you lack, but of the “suddenly” movements of God. Breakthroughs in the dead of night. New life in the messiest of places. Promises fulfilled in the most unlikely ways.

He had not forgotten them. And He has not forgotten you.